Writing Update – February 24(5), 2023
Well, I’m one day late (thanks to the sometimes-patchy Wi-Fi at my place giving out yesterday), but nevertheless the time has come. So, what’ve I been up to this week, writing-wise? Well, to be honest, I’ve mostly just kept up what I was doing last week. The new Nightmares Inc. ending is going along OK…
Writing Update – February 17
Whoa, is it that time of week again already? Seems like I blinked and another week went by. To be honest, I very nearly forgot to write this week’s update: my studies and my personal life have both begun taking up more of my time, and more of my headspace. But, joy of joys, I…
Writing Update – February 10
It was another relatively lowkey week. That’s not to say I didn’t write anything: I got a fair bit done, actually. But, as I said in last week’s update, my plan was to take a short break and work on my Seven Years a Vikingmemoir. Well, tick one more goal off the checklist. Seven Years…
Writing Update – February 3
Hey all. Not much to update you on this week. Well, except for one teeny tiny thing: The Ravage is finished! Well, OK, the first draft of The Ravage is finished. As I’ve said before, this thing’s going to have to go through at least two edits before I’m even ready to show it to…
Writing Update – January 27, 2023
Hi there, folks. It’s that time of week again: time for the writing activities blow-by-blow. And this week…well. Some of you may know I have a tendency to understate things. It’s partly just how I’m wired, although part of it also comes from that raging inferiority complex (most artistic types have either an inferiority complex…
Writing Update – January 20, 2023
This week has been last week’s antithesis. As those of you who read last week’s update might recall, the week of January 6-12 was not the most productive for me. Thanks to travel hassles, and then both packing and just wanting to appreciate the remaining time with my family as much as possible, I barely…
Writing Update – January 13, 2023
OK, I’m goanna be honest here: I really don’t have much of an update for you all this week. I mean, I got a little further in The Ravage, so I guess that’s something. But by “a little further,” I really do mean a little further. Progress this week has been extremely limited, and my…
Writing Update – January 6, 2023
Well, here I am, back with the first writing update of 2023! I hope all you reading this had a restful and renewing holiday. I know I certainly did, at least in terms of writing: I was a bit exhausted at the time of the last update, but now I’m ready to get back to…
Self-Publishing: the Wrong Option for the Neophyte
As a writer, you’ve basically got two options when it comes to getting published: traditional publishing or self-publishing. For a new writer trying to get noticed, neither is a terribly reliable option: there are no guarantees in this game. However, I’m very much convinced that, of the two, traditional publishing is by far the better…
Writing Update – 12/9/22
Well, I won’t lie to you all: this week was a pretty slow week for writing. That doesn’t mean nothing got done at all, of course. I’ll get into that in a second. But all in all, this week was not the most prolific. There are several reasons for this, of course, the major one…
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